Heapspace - new friends of PFE!

Heapspace logo and PFE

Heapspace team consists of enthusiasts from different fields of technology, management, marketing and culture. Since 2004, they have been spreading the impulse of knowledge, motivation and inspiration and creating good opportunities for the development of our society.

Maybe you had the opportunity to meet them as organizers of the first Devoxx conference in this part of Europe - Voxxed Days Belgrade, as authors of Technological breakfast and Heapspace meetup, and as organizers of the large conference Heapcon which brings together software engineers, technology businesses, digital artists and visionaries, and promotes global expertise in our country.

Heapcon conference brings phenomenal expert speakers from all over the world and the largest world companies and offers a space for networking with people from the technology community. This year, the Heapspace team provided tickets to our associates, so grab your tickets from the website and see you on November 3 and 4 at Heapcon to exchange knowledge and experience and have a great time :)

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